Working with a great team to deliver information and guide teachers through using: Google Sheets (12:30 – 1:45pm) 7/24/2018 Google Slides (2:00 – 3:15pm) 7/24/2018
Testing Embeds
Using the embed code from inside the share in VoiceThread and pasting it into the Text view in WordPress. It worked … See VoiceThread and screenshots below. This is using the default information. I would change the height and width. Find your VT and click the share icon Choose the “Basic” tab Copy the embed […]
PlayPosit Test for Work
Working with PlayPosit. Questions I have include: How (source 1) shows up? Should I really go back and clean up my CC for punctuation. The text is correct, but it all runs together. Will I deploy this or others like it?
Adding your flair to Blackboard

Responding to faculty is an everyday occurrence. Quick pictures and happy responses are part of the norm. Happy Monday!
And the award goes to…
The other day I mentioned php. Someone asked me what it stood for. I honestly didn’t know. ‘I just code or I just hack it’ wasn’t my best response! php (or PHP) stands for hypertext preprocessor. Correct. It’s like a fool’s errand. PHP actually is an acronym for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.” What? Wait, what tomfoolery […]
CPR certification – yes!
Staff training day was today. We were surprised with art classes and CPR training. We shot rifles. What a great team-building experience!
Still love Jing – annotation tool

It’s the start of the semester and every once in awhile Blackboard drops something you find very useful. Here’s how you can go find it and turn it back on. That is, unless it’s deprecated. Ouch.
Working with Adobe Illustrator
Hey all! I’ve been slack over the past few years in learning Adobe Illustrator. I LOVED Fireworks… WHY, OH WHY…. anyhow. Over the past few months, I have recreated graphics for the Mining Mill Operator Training. Granted I’ve only done a drop in the bucket of them, but my AI skills are coming along. Here […]
Using VoiceThread in your Course – eTech Fair presentation 11/08
Grab your own copy of these slides – use anything you like! These are my presentation slides from eTech Fair 2016 When the presentation recording is shared with me, I’ll link that here too! The slides below show best in Chrome and Firefox.
Creative Market resources

Free Mondays! I’ve enjoyed the last 17+ weeks greatly and picked up fantastic freebies for web design, background images for my slides, simply great ideas just by viewing. I’ve also paid for a few items… shhhhh! I know, I know. I really like free, but I also really like this collective’s approach. It’s easy to […]
Online office hours – Teaching Tip

It’s important to establish a way for students to reach you when teaching an online course. If it is not easy–for you or the students–it isn’t likely to work. In this week’s Teaching Tip, we share a few instructors methods for connecting one-on-one with students. Giving your students an avenue to reach you as well […]
beFunky Photo Editor
Seems as if I had NOTHING to say the day I created this. Egads! Here goes: I like the beFunky photo editor. It’s worth playing around with. Where can you get it? Find in at the Chrome App store or tab or on the beFunky website. The images with this post were alterations of a […]
Workshop: Screencasting
Sean and I had a wee bit of fun during the lunch hour today covering two great screencasting tools. You can see our slides and watch the recording of our on-air video. More discussion on the way.
Building Community in an Online Classroom

Working with Dr. Nicole Cundiff at noon today to gather great ideas (as well as stories of what hasn’t worked) for building your online classroom community. Want to participate? Feel free to drop your ideas on the Padlet ‘whiteboard’ space. Created with Padlet
Make a Quick Video…

Keynote/QuickTime/YouTube steps: Make your slides. Add your voice (Play menu > Record Slideshow…) figure one Save your work. Export it to QuickTime (File menu > Export To > QuickTime) This brings up a Creating Movie announcement that shows you the progress of saving your work asa MPEG-4 movie. figure two Open QuickTime. Open your […]
Fast and easy presentation tools
When asked what tools an instructor or student might use for online presentations I could respond at length. However, here is a brief list of ones you might try: Jing (Techsmith) Screencastify (Google Chrome plugin) VCASMO (online tool, slides and video) Keynote (I love this!) Prezi (think carefully, you can have sound, but maybe not […]
Google Screencastify Where do I find the embed code when I make a screencast using Screencastify? Follow the link to where the screencast is stored Choose More… from the menu and select Embed If you are using WordPress you have to enter this information on the “Text” editor tab.
Tech free challenge!

Let’s play with fiber, yarn, needles, … or maybe wire and snips?! Baskets! – advice here – Getting started Coiled Baskets You need scissors and willingness to have fun. All other supplies are provided. If this turns out to ‘be your thing’ I got many of the supplies locally. Ask me where.
Take notes by hand? I always thought it was a good thing.

This morning I received email confirmation that my desire to have hundreds of sheets of paper floating around is a good one. Okay, that’s a stretch. But my notebooks (that are bound) with start and end dates clearly printed on the front [for work] and my bound notebooks for college courses I’ve taken… those stand […]
Let me update your trac ticket – FileZilla (fix)
Who wouldn’t want to open up a new account to update Trac tickets for FileZilla problems first thing on a Monday morning? This rocks! Couldn’t find a solution in 5 minutes of surfing. Found others with a similar problem – my window was off the top of my screen. Jumping and shouting just wasn’t […]
Article review: Stop Talking …
Marissa Carl Acosta posted to Google+ about Stop Talking: Indigenous Ways of Teaching and Learning and Difficult Dialogues in Higher Education. I saw it and immediately wanted to read parts of it. Grabbing a random chapter, I dove in. This text, by evidence of chapter five: Into Our Classrooms, has lessons each instructor and student […]
Taking this opportunity to drop in another paper I wrote for ED603. Let me know if you find it helpful! Introduction This paper discusses the evaluation of methods for a research project that involves attempting to measure building community interaction among first-time users of Blackboard while capturing the participants’ opinions of their experience. Preparing for […]
Bias? What bias?
I’ve done some of the assignments out of order (in ED603). This is another one of those assignments I liked so much I wrote it twice. Introduction This paper discusses addressing several forms of bias while conducting research. Researchers need to be aware of, and counteract the possible introduction of, bias in areas of their […]
Road map
Okay, so this is one of those ‘I just love’ moments. Doing a session on screencasting today. Here’s my thoughts on how it should go… ROAD MAP I should log back in later and tell you how it really went. (The best laid plans…) The link above is in case the embed (below) does […]
Tech Free Challenge

It can be challenging to spend up to two hours doing something new or different. This is especially true if you’ve got deadlines looming. At UAF eCampus, the designers meet about every six weeks to do something different. On Tuesday of last week we got creative with paper, ribbon and stamps (plus a few stickers). […]